Dhanur: Bow, Asana: pose
Having lumber disc issues (prior to yoga) I’ve been a cautious back bender as even lying prone can be uncomfortable sometimes. I’ve learnt to work with this posture without causing pain. We don’t want to do anything that causes pain! Key to this posture is not compressing in the lumber spine. Think of the lumber area as the middle of a bow, it is where you hold the bow, the part of the bow where there is least movement. To ensure the lumber is not compressing explore pressing the hips down (and keeping them in contact with the mat), lifting the legs first and then the upper body. If the feet aren’t within reach, don’t force it. If holding the feet or ankles, push the feet away to slowly lift the upper body. Continue to feel long in the posture, an even length creating the bend in the mid and upper back. Don’t be too concerned about lifting the knees high. Always go little way and ease out, practice moving in and out of the posture as smoothly as possible.
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